Personnel Attendance Control System
Moonwell Personnel Tracking System, also known as PDKS (Personnel Attendance Control System), is highly essential for large-scale companies. Moonwell Turkey's PDKS is a fully integrated personnel monitoring solution that allows real-time tracking of employees. The system comprises two main components:
Personnel Tracking Software
Fingerprint Scanner
These components work together to locate personnel and can be customized to meet the specific needs of any workplace environment. Moonwell Turkey's Personnel Tracking System ensures that you know exactly where your employees are located, enhancing workplace security, safety, and accountability.
Here's how the process works:
STEP 1: Fingerprints of all personnel are collected individually. Subsequently, Moonwell Turkey installs fingerprint personnel tracking systems at desired locations.
STEP 2: This creates trackable fingerprint records for your personnel. This information is then transferred to Moonwell Turkey's Personnel Placement Software. Through an intuitive interface, you can monitor and track personnel from a computer, remote web browser, or even a mobile device.
Additional Features:
Moonwell Turkey's Personnel Tracking System provides the following benefits:
Real-time tracking of personnel whereabouts.
Enhancing workplace security.
Providing personnel access control.
Increasing personnel visibility in remote environments.
Optimizing operational efficiency.