LTT 303 Tripod Turnstile
LTT 303 Tripod Turnstile is designed for use in indoor and outdoor environments.MT-1303 Tripod Turnstile can work in one or two way transition modes.These transitions can be controlled or free.Even if the card reader is controlled in both passes, the end user can release the input or output at certain times.
In case of power cuts, the turnstile allows passage due to legal obligation.If it is desired to remain locked in cases of power outage, the customer can be optionally locked with written instructions.The centering of the turnstile after the transition takes place mechanically and softly thanks to the feature of the, spring and hydraulic shock absorber mechanism.
If a very fast escape is desired such as in case of a fire or an earthquake, the firm can optionally;Make The front arm of the turnstile fall or slide sideways with a contact received from the fire or earthquake alarm request.Thus, free escape is provided.Likewise, at the protocol passes, by pressing a button, the forearm is lowered and the free pass of private visitors is provided.